literature Archives - Shanland Politics, Literature, Human Rights Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:56:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 literature Archives - Shanland 32 32 Why Literature Still Matters in the Fight for Human Rights Wed, 26 Feb 2025 16:56:19 +0000 Throughout history, literature has played a vital role in shapingRead More

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Throughout history, literature has played a vital role in shaping societies, challenging oppression, and amplifying voices that might otherwise go unheard. From novels and memoirs to poetry and journalism, the written word has been a powerful force in the fight for human rights.

Writers have exposed the realities of war, oppression, and discrimination, bringing awareness to issues that might have been ignored. Their works inspire movements, educate the public, and give a voice to those who have been silenced. Even in today’s digital age, literature remains a crucial tool for change, reminding people of past injustices and influencing future generations to stand up for human rights.

This article explores how literature continues to impact human rights movements, the importance of storytelling in creating empathy, and how books remain a form of resistance against oppression.

How Literature Exposes Injustice

One of the most powerful aspects of literature is its ability to reveal hidden truths. Throughout history, writers have used fiction and nonfiction to bring attention to human rights violations, often at great personal risk.

Classic works like George Orwell’s “1984” and Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” highlight government control, racism, and injustice. Books like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago” exposed the horrors of political repression, helping the world understand the brutal reality of life under oppressive regimes.

Literature also sheds light on modern struggles. Writers document refugee crises, gender inequality, and political corruption, offering perspectives that mainstream media often overlook. These stories make abstract issues personal, encouraging people to take action against injustice.

The Power of Storytelling in Creating Empathy

Facts and statistics can inform people about human rights violations, but stories have the power to make these issues feel real. When readers connect with characters who experience oppression, discrimination, or violence, they develop a deeper understanding of these struggles.

Memoirs and autobiographies are especially impactful. Books like Malala Yousafzai’s “I Am Malala” and Elie Wiesel’s “Night” offer personal accounts of violence and survival, giving readers insight into experiences they may never face themselves. These stories create a bridge between different cultures and backgrounds, fostering empathy and encouraging solidarity.

Even fiction can achieve this goal. Novels set in war zones or totalitarian states allow readers to step into the lives of people suffering under unjust conditions. This emotional connection is what drives many people to support human rights movements, donate to charities, or even become activists themselves.

Literature as a Tool for Resistance

Oppressive governments and authoritarian regimes often fear literature because it challenges their control. Censorship, book bans, and persecution of writers are common tactics used to suppress dissenting voices. Despite this, literature continues to be a powerful tool for resistance.

In many countries, underground publishing networks distribute banned books to keep the truth alive. Poets and novelists write in coded language to bypass censorship, allowing their messages to reach those who need to hear them most. Even in exile, writers continue to document human rights abuses, ensuring that oppressive regimes cannot erase history.

History shows that books can spark revolutions. Works like Victor Hugo’s “Les Misérables” inspired resistance movements, while Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe fueled the abolitionist movement in the U.S. Literature not only spreads awareness but also gives people the courage to fight back against injustice.

The Role of Literature in Today’s Human Rights Movements

While traditional books remain important, literature has evolved in the digital age. Blogs, online essays, and social media have become new platforms for storytelling, allowing marginalized voices to reach a global audience.

Writers today continue to challenge oppression through contemporary novels, investigative journalism, and poetry. Activists use literature to highlight the struggles of refugees, indigenous communities, and political prisoners. Book clubs and online discussions also keep the conversation about human rights alive, encouraging new generations to engage with these important topics.

Despite technological advancements, literature remains a cornerstone of human rights advocacy. The power of words has not diminished – it has simply found new ways to inspire and inform.


Literature has always been and will continue to be a crucial force in the fight for human rights. By exposing injustice, fostering empathy, and serving as a tool for resistance, books and stories shape the way societies understand and respond to oppression.

Whether through classic novels, modern journalism, or digital storytelling, the written word remains one of the most powerful weapons against injustice. As long as literature continues to challenge authority, give voice to the voiceless, and inspire action, it will remain essential in the global struggle for human rights.

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How Cultural Heritage Shapes Views on Motherhood and Fertility Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:13:35 +0000 Motherhood and fertility have been central to cultures around theRead More

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Motherhood and fertility have been central to cultures around the world for centuries, shaping traditions, family structures, and personal identities. While modern medicine provides advanced reproductive solutions, cultural beliefs continue to play a significant role in how individuals and communities perceive fertility, pregnancy, and parenting.

Cultural heritage influences attitudes toward motherhood in many ways, from fertility rituals and traditional healing methods to societal expectations about family size and gender roles. Some traditions emphasize natural remedies and spiritual practices, while others encourage medical interventions to ensure healthy pregnancies. As medical advancements like fertility centre ivf become more widely available, there is an ongoing dialogue between tradition and science in reproductive health.

This article explores how cultural heritage shapes beliefs about fertility, the impact of modern medicine, and the balance between tradition and medical advancements in family planning.

Cultural Traditions and Fertility Beliefs

Many cultures have long-standing traditions and beliefs surrounding fertility, often influenced by religion, ancestral customs, and societal values. These traditions can range from fertility rituals to dietary practices believed to enhance reproductive health.

In some communities, specific foods, herbs, or spiritual ceremonies are considered essential for boosting fertility and ensuring a healthy pregnancy. For example, in many African and Asian cultures, herbal medicine is commonly used to support fertility, with remedies passed down through generations. Similarly, some Indigenous communities incorporate fertility dances and prayers to seek blessings for conception.

Family expectations also play a major role in how fertility is perceived. In certain cultures, having many children is seen as a sign of prosperity and success, while in others, family planning and smaller households are encouraged. These differing perspectives influence how individuals approach reproductive health, sometimes leading to resistance toward medical interventions or, conversely, a strong embrace of modern fertility treatments.

For a deeper understanding of traditional fertility practices, read here about how different societies have historically approached conception and pregnancy.

The Influence of Cultural Norms on Motherhood

Cultural heritage not only affects fertility beliefs but also shapes expectations around motherhood. In many societies, motherhood is considered a defining aspect of a woman’s identity, with strong cultural emphasis on childbearing and parenting roles.

In some cultures, mothers are expected to dedicate their lives to raising children, while in others, there is a growing acceptance of career-focused women who balance motherhood with professional ambitions. These cultural expectations can create pressure for women to conform to traditional roles or, alternatively, to challenge societal norms and redefine what it means to be a mother.

Additionally, attitudes toward assisted reproductive technologies vary widely. In some conservative communities, treatments such as IVF and surrogacy are viewed with skepticism due to religious or ethical beliefs, while other cultures fully embrace medical advancements as a means to fulfill the desire for parenthood.

As global perspectives on motherhood continue to evolve, many women are seeking ways to honor cultural traditions while making reproductive choices that align with their personal and medical needs.

Modern Medicine and Changing Views on Fertility

While cultural heritage plays a significant role in shaping fertility beliefs, advancements in reproductive medicine have introduced new possibilities for individuals struggling to conceive. Treatments such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF), egg freezing, and hormone therapies have provided solutions for couples who may not have been able to conceive naturally.

The availability of fertility treatments has led to shifting attitudes in many communities, with increasing acceptance of medical assistance in conception. Countries with historically strong traditional beliefs are gradually integrating modern fertility treatments into their healthcare systems, making it more accessible for individuals and couples.

At the same time, cultural taboos around infertility remain in certain parts of the world, where difficulty conceiving may still be stigmatized. This has made education and awareness crucial in bridging the gap between cultural beliefs and medical advancements.

Many families are now combining traditional fertility practices with modern medical approaches, creating a balance that respects cultural values while benefiting from scientific progress.

Finding a Balance Between Tradition and Science

As medical science continues to evolve, there is a growing need to find harmony between cultural traditions and modern reproductive healthcare. While some families rely on age-old practices, others turn to fertility clinics and advanced treatments to improve their chances of conception.

Bringing together cultural wisdom and scientific knowledge can create a more holistic approach to fertility and motherhood. For example, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments inspired by traditional health practices can complement modern fertility treatments, improving overall reproductive health. Similarly, family and community support systems rooted in cultural heritage can help individuals navigate the emotional and physical aspects of fertility treatments.

By respecting both traditional values and medical advancements, individuals can make informed decisions about their reproductive health, embracing the best of both worlds in their journey to parenthood.


Cultural heritage plays a crucial role in shaping beliefs and expectations around fertility and motherhood. While traditions and family expectations continue to influence reproductive choices, modern medicine has expanded the possibilities for individuals facing fertility challenges.

Finding a balance between cultural practices and scientific advancements allows individuals to make informed decisions that honor their heritage while embracing the benefits of reproductive healthcare. Whether through traditional methods, medical treatments, or a combination of both, the journey to parenthood is deeply personal and influenced by both past traditions and future possibilities.

By fostering open conversations and integrating both cultural and medical perspectives, individuals can navigate their fertility journey with greater confidence and support.

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Thе Rolе of Journalism in Dеfеnding Human Rights and Еxposing Injusticе Fri, 14 Feb 2025 15:28:00 +0000 Introduction Journalism has long bееn rеgardеd as thе fourth pillarRead More

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Journalism has long bееn rеgardеd as thе fourth pillar of dеmocracy, acting as a watchdog against corruption, injusticе, and human rights abusеs. Invеstigativе journalism, in particular, plays a crucial rolе in uncovеring violations, holding thosе in powеr accountablе, and informing thе public about critical issuеs. In an еra of incrеasing thrеats to prеss frееdom, journalists continuе to risk thеir livеs to bring truth to light, еnsuring that injusticеs do not go unnoticеd.

This articlе еxplorеs thе vital rolе of journalism in protеcting human rights, thе challеngеs facеd by journalists in thеir pursuit of truth, and thе impact of invеstigativе rеporting on social and political changе.

Journalism as a Guardian of Human Rights

1. Uncovеring Human Rights Violations

Journalists play a kеy rolе in documеnting and еxposing human rights abusеs worldwidе. Through invеstigativе rеports, nеws agеnciеs rеvеal crimеs such as gеnocidе, war crimеs, political opprеssion, and discrimination, oftеn influеncing policy changеs and intеrnational intеrvеntion.

For instancе, mеdia covеragе of thе Rohingya crisis in Myanmar brought global attеntion to еthnic clеansing and forcеd displacеmеnts, lеading to intеrnational prеssurе on thе Myanmar govеrnmеnt. Similarly, rеports on policе brutality and racial discrimination, such as thе Gеorgе Floyd casе in thе U.S., havе fuеlеd movеmеnts dеmanding justicе and rеform.

2. Holding Govеrnmеnts and Institutions Accountablе

An indеpеndеnt prеss is еssеntial for holding govеrnmеnts, corporations, and othеr powеrful еntitiеs accountablе for thеir actions. Invеstigativе journalists еxposе corruption, еlеction fraud, abusе of powеr, and violations of fundamеntal frееdoms, prеvеnting human rights abusеs from bеing hiddеn.

Thе Panama Papеrs invеstigation, for еxamplе, rеvеalеd how global еlitеs еvadеd taxеs and laundеrеd monеy, lеading to lеgal rеforms and rеsignations of high-profilе figurеs. Without fеarlеss rеporting, many such casеs of еxploitation and misconduct would rеmain in thе shadows.

3. Giving Voicе to thе Opprеssеd

Many individuals and communitiеs suffеring from human rights abusеs lack thе mеans to spеak out. Journalists providе a platform for marginalizеd voicеs, еnsuring thеir storiеs rеach thе public and thosе in powеr.

By covеring storiеs of rеfugееs, survivors of domеstic violеncе, and victims of discrimination, journalists contributе to building awarеnеss and еmpathy, influеncing humanitarian aid, policy rеforms, and social changе.

Thе Challеngеs Journalists Facе

1. Thrеats to Prеss Frееdom

Journalists oftеn facе cеnsorship, lеgal pеrsеcution, imprisonmеnt, and еvеn physical attacks for thеir work. Authoritarian rеgimеs and opprеssivе govеrnmеnts frеquеntly targеt indеpеndеnt mеdia to supprеss dissеnt and prеvеnt еxposurе of thеir wrongdoings.

According to Rеportеrs Without Bordеrs, countriеs likе North Korеa, China, and Saudi Arabia havе somе of thе most rеstrictivе mеdia еnvironmеnts, whеrе journalists risk imprisonmеnt or worsе for rеporting on human rights violations.

2. Misinformation and Disinformation

Thе risе of fakе nеws and propaganda has madе it incrеasingly difficult for thе public to distinguish bеtwееn crеdiblе journalism and manipulatеd information. Govеrnmеnts and еxtrеmist groups oftеn usе disinformation campaigns to discrеdit journalists and downplay human rights abusеs.

Fact-chеcking organizations and indеpеndеnt mеdia outlеts play a crucial rolе in combating misinformation, еnsuring that accuratе and vеrifiеd information rеachеs thе public.

3. Financial Prеssurеs and Mеdia Ownеrship

In many countriеs, thе consolidation of mеdia ownеrship in thе hands of a fеw powеrful corporations has lеd to biasеd rеporting and thе supprеssion of critical nеws storiеs. Journalists working for statе-controllеd or corporatе-ownеd mеdia oftеn facе prеssurе to align thеir covеragе with political or businеss intеrеsts, limiting thеir ability to rеport frееly.

Indеpеndеnt journalism and non-profit invеstigativе nеws organizations, such as ProPublica and Thе Intеrcеpt, offеr altеrnativе platforms for uncovеring human rights abusеs without corporatе or govеrnmеntal intеrfеrеncе.

Impact of Invеstigativе Journalism on Human Rights

1. Policy and Lеgal Rеforms

Groundbrеaking journalistic invеstigations havе lеd to significant lеgal and policy changеs aimеd at protеcting human rights. Еxposés on child labor, еnvironmеntal dеgradation, and policе misconduct havе forcеd govеrnmеnts to еnact nеw rеgulations and accountability mеasurеs.

For еxamplе, thе MеToo movеmеnt, propеllеd by invеstigativе journalism еxposing sеxual harassmеnt in Hollywood and bеyond, lеd to widеsprеad policy changеs and thе downfall of influеntial pеrpеtrators.

2. Intеrnational Advocacy and Action

Journalism oftеn sparks intеrnational action, prompting organizations such as thе Unitеd Nations, Amnеsty Intеrnational, and Human Rights Watch to intеrvеnе in human rights crisеs. Mеdia covеragе of war crimеs and humanitarian crisеs has lеd to sanctions, intеrnational aid, and diplomatic prеssurе on offеnding govеrnmеnts.

3. Public Awarеnеss and Grassroots Movеmеnts

Еxposing injusticе through journalism fostеrs public awarеnеss, lеading to grassroots activism and movеmеnts dеmanding changе. From civil rights to climatе justicе, journalism has playеd an intеgral rolе in mobilizing communitiеs to fight for human rights and еquality.

Thе Futurе of Journalism in Human Rights Protеction

1. Digital Journalism and Citizеn Rеporting

Advancеmеnts in tеchnology havе transformеd journalism, making it еasiеr for individuals to documеnt and sharе human rights abusеs. Citizеn journalists and whistlеblowеrs usе social mеdia, blogs, and digital platforms to еxposе corruption and injusticеs in rеal timе.

Platforms likе Twittеr, YouTubе, and TikTok havе bеcomе powеrful tools for human rights rеporting, еnabling global audiеncеs to witnеss еvеnts as thеy unfold. Howеvеr, this also raisеs concеrns about misinformation, making fact-chеcking and еthical journalism morе important than еvеr.

2. Thе Rolе of AI and Data Journalism

Artificial intеlligеncе and data-drivеn journalism arе bеing incrеasingly usеd to analyzе human rights trеnds, uncovеr hiddеn pattеrns, and еxposе systеmic injusticеs. AI tools can hеlp track govеrnmеnt cеnsorship, dеtеct misinformation, and vеrify еyеwitnеss accounts, еnhancing thе crеdibility of invеstigativе rеporting.

3. Еnsuring Journalist Safеty and Prеss Frееdom

To protеct prеss frееdom and еnsurе journalists can continuе thеir work safеly, govеrnmеnts and intеrnational organizations must strеngthеn lеgal protеctions for thе prеss. Support for indеpеndеnt journalism, whistlеblowеr protеctions, and strongеr lеgal framеworks against thrеats to journalists arе еssеntial for thе futurе of human rights rеporting.


Journalism rеmains onе of thе most powеrful tools for dеfеnding human rights and еxposing injusticе. Dеspitе thе challеngеs posеd by cеnsorship, misinformation, and financial prеssurеs, journalists continuе to risk thеir livеs to bring truth to light. By uncovеring abusеs, holding authoritiеs accountablе, and amplifying marginalizеd voicеs, invеstigativе journalism plays a crucial rolе in shaping a morе just and еquitablе world.

As tеchnology advancеs and nеw forms of mеdia еmеrgе, thе nееd for еthical, indеpеndеnt, and couragеous journalism rеmains as vital as еvеr. Protеcting prеss frееdom and supporting invеstigativе rеporting arе еssеntial to еnsuring that human rights violations do not go unnoticеd and that justicе prеvails.

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How PayID Casinos in Australia are Safeguarding User Data and Upholding Human Rights Mon, 18 Sep 2023 14:06:19 +0000 The world of online gambling has witnessed a surge inRead More

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The world of online gambling has witnessed a surge in popularity with the rise of Australia’s PayID casinos with instant withdrawal, offering Aussie casino players a seamless and secure payment option to play pokies with Pay ID.

However, as PayID technology gains traction, concerns surrounding the protection of user data and the promotion of human rights have come to the forefront. This article delves into the initiatives undertaken by PayID pokies to ensure user data security and their commitment to ethical practices, creating a responsible and safe gambling environment.

Understanding Pay ID and Its Growing Appeal at Online Casinos

Pay ID is an innovative payment system that enables users to conduct instantaneous transactions by connecting a unique identifier to their bank accounts. Its simplicity and efficiency have made it a preferred choice among online casino players, particularly in the domain of pokies. As the usage of PayID continues to expand, it becomes imperative to explore how casinos utilizing this technology prioritize the protection of user data and human rights.

The Significance of Data Security at Australian Online Casinos

Online casinos handle vast amounts of sensitive personal and financial information, making data security a matter of utmost importance. Breaches in user data can lead to severe consequences, including identity theft and fraudulent activities. PayID pokies casinos acknowledge this risk and invest in robust security measures to safeguard user data. By employing encryption technologies and strict access controls, these casinos build a solid defense against potential threats.

Ensuring Encryption and Secure Transactions

The foundation of data security in PayID casino sites lies in encryption. Utilizing advanced encryption methods, these casinos protect user data during transmission, rendering sensitive information unreadable to unauthorized individuals. This ensures that even if data is intercepted, it remains secure, preserving the user’s privacy.

Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

Operating within a regulatory framework, the online gambling industry is subject to regional and international data protection laws. Pay ID casinos must adhere to these regulations to safeguard user data and uphold human rights. Examples of such laws include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Demonstrating compliance with these laws signifies the casino’s commitment to respecting user privacy and rights.

Prioritizing Responsible Gambling Measures

Promoting human rights in the realm of online gambling extends beyond data protection. PayID pokies casinos are vigilant about the potential risks of gambling addiction and actively implement responsible gambling measures. These initiatives encompass options for self-exclusion, setting deposit limits, and providing resources to support players dealing with gambling-related issues. By prioritizing responsible gaming practices, these casinos demonstrate their dedication to the welfare of their customers.

Promoting Transparency and Ethical Practices

Transparency plays a pivotal role in fostering trust between casinos and players. Aussie PayID pokies and online casinos acknowledge the significance of clear communication regarding data handling and ethical practices. They commit to transparency about their data policies, ensuring that users are fully informed about how their data is collected, utilized, and protected. Ethical practices not only cultivate trust but also showcase the casino’s dedication to treating customers fairly.

Impacts on User Trust and Casino Reputation

User trust is fundamental to the success of any online casino. PayID gambling sites that prioritize data security, uphold human rights, and maintain transparency create an environment where players feel secure and valued. Such trust results in long-term customer loyalty and establishes a positive reputation for the casino. Conversely, data breaches or unethical practices can severely damage a casino’s reputation, leading to a loss of customers and revenue.

Collaboration with Regulatory Authorities

To bolster data security and safeguard user rights, PayID online casinos in Australia often collaborate with regulatory authorities. These partnerships allow casinos to gain valuable insights and access resources to enhance their security protocols and ensure compliance with gambling and data protection laws. Collaborative efforts demonstrate a willingness to be accountable and uphold the highest standards.


According to PayID pokies with no deposit bonuses and instant withdrawals in Australia continue to redefine the online gambling experience, prioritizing user data security and upholding human rights are not only ethical imperatives but also essential for long-term success.

By implementing encryption, adhering to data protection regulations, promoting responsible gambling, ensuring transparency in their practices, and collaborating with regulatory authorities, Aussie Pay ID online casinos create a trustworthy and ethical environment for their users. Safeguarding user data and respecting human rights establish a new standard of excellence in the digital gambling realm, ensuring a secure and responsible platform for players to enjoy their gaming experiences. Through collective efforts between players, operators, and regulators, the future of online gambling can embrace and safeguard the rights and privacy of all individuals involved.

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Realization of human rights in the context of digitalization Wed, 12 May 2021 09:22:52 +0000 Nowadays, human rights are one of the most important institutions of a democratic state governed by the rule of law, and the issue of ensuring human rights is becoming more and more relevant.

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Nowadays, human rights are one of the most important institutions of a democratic state governed by the rule of law, and the issue of ensuring human rights is becoming more and more relevant. The value of human rights and freedoms lies, first and foremost, in the possibility of their full realization. The proclamation of these rights does not in itself create true human freedom, for this the human rights enshrined in international and domestic law must be implemented and ensured. Under current conditions, globalization processes, digital technologies, social transformation of society, and various threats to human society create serious difficulties in the realization of human rights. Digitalization affects all spheres of social life, and under the influence of digital technology established state and public institutions are undergoing changes. Modern digital technologies and the Internet have become prerequisites for the digital revolution, transforming various kinds of social relations, and the sphere of human rights is no exception.

With the development of the state all its institutions undergo changes, human rights are specified in the legislation taking into account the specifics of each country and global processes in the world. In the 21st century, the need to concretize human rights becomes obvious, given the digital transformation of social relations, directly affecting the implementation of fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms. Undoubtedly, new technologies have a positive impact on the exercise of human rights, contribute to the emergence of new rights and freedoms and mechanisms for their realization. An individual, being a participant of the global digital space, becomes a bearer of previously unknown rights, “digital rights”, such as the rights “to access, use, create and publish digital works, to access and use computers and other electronic devices and communication networks, in particular the Internet, the right to freely communicate and express opinions online and the right to inviolability of private information sphere, including the right to confidentiality, anonymity (impersonality) of his already digitized personal and

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Human Rights as Idolatry Wed, 13 Jan 2021 09:08:22 +0000 Fifty years after its adoption, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become the sacred text of what Elie Wiesel called "the universal secular religion.

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Fifty years after its adoption, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become the sacred text of what Elie Wiesel called “the universal secular religion.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called the Declaration “a yardstick by which to measure human progress,” and Nobel literature laureate Nadine Gordimer considers it “the most important document, the fundamental foundation, the credo of humanity that brings together all the other sets of rules governing human behavior.

Human rights have become the central creed of a secular culture that sometimes feels as if it believes in nothing else. Just as English has become the lingua franca of the global economy, human rights ideology has become the lingua franca of global ethical thought. The question I would like to pose about all this rhetoric is this: if human rights are a set of beliefs, then what does it mean to believe in them? Would such a belief be akin to a religious belief? Or is it something fundamentally different?

By falling into such a delusion, we turn human rights into an object of idolatry: it is as if humanism worships itself. Perhaps attributing moral and metaphysical overtones to human rights is intended to reinforce their universal significance. But in fact, this line has the opposite effect: it raises doubts in the ranks of religious groups that have no need for any Western credo.

Of course, it would be tempting to derive the idea of human rights from such assumptions as these: all human beings have an inherently given or natural dignity, all human beings have an inalienable intrinsic value, every human being is sacred. The problem, however, is that these kinds of postulates are not very clear and very contradictory. They are not clear because they substitute the real men and women we encounter empirically for the ideal men and women we would like to see. Sometimes men and women behave with amazing dignity. But it does not follow that all human beings have this intrinsic dignity or the ability to demonstrate it. It is precisely because these ideas of dignity, value and sanctity substitute for what is proper that they are contradictory, and because they are contradictory, they most often do harm rather than good for the cause of human rights.

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Human Rights and Human Trafficking Mon, 30 Nov 2020 09:37:11 +0000 Human trafficking is an issue of growing concern to the international community.

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Human trafficking is an issue of growing concern to the international community. International organizations, regional bodies and governments around the world are working to create programs and develop policies and new laws and regulations aimed at combating human trafficking. But it is unfortunate that most of these initiatives and actions have only to do with fighting crime and neglecting the rights of trafficked persons. The state protects its own interests, not the interests of the people. Therefore, trafficked persons often become victims of this evil over and over again.

Professionals who work with trafficked persons must be concerned about protecting the basic rights of victims. They must see the need to change their work paradigm from prosecuting criminals to promoting human rights. Professionals working on human trafficking need to be aware of human rights principles, international instruments and mechanisms to ensure that every step they take does not violate the rights of victims.

Non-governmental organization (NGO) activists from every region of the globe who are working tirelessly to eradicate human trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery, strongly believe that there can be no solution to this problem if the rights of victims are not respected and promoted by all actors involved in assisting victims. Fighting for the rights of trafficked persons will make the state more responsible for combating this scourge and will encourage victims to exercise their right to self-determination.

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The Rights of the Child in the Family Wed, 26 Aug 2020 09:46:38 +0000 The UN General Assembly proclaimed 1994 as the International Year of the Family.

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The UN General Assembly proclaimed 1994 as the International Year of the Family. The purpose of this action was to draw the attention of the authorities of UN member states and the general public to the problems of families and to take comprehensive measures for the benefit of families and children.

Last year, 2004, the UN General Assembly marked the 10th anniversary of the International Year of the Family. This date was seen as an opportunity for the UN to take stock of the situation of families and to create momentum towards developing and implementing mechanisms to ensure that adequate policies for families are implemented.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 16, Paragraph 3) stresses that the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. In recent years in the Russian Federation there have been significant changes that have affected the situation of families: negative phenomena in the economic and social life of society; crisis of spiritual development; limited opportunities to meet life needs; sharp differentiation in the level of material security; alcoholism, drug addiction, propaganda of violence and cruelty in the mass media; imperfections in the current legislation.

The family – the primary cell or “crystal” of society, the microcosm of the growing child nowadays, for both objective and subjective reasons, increasingly fails to fulfill its most important functions: the proper upbringing of children and their protection from the complexities of today’s reality.

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